Where Do I Find Custom CSS in WordPress?

Custom CSS in WordPress is possible through the use of the customizer. To access the customizer, open the WordPress administration area and click on “Appearance” in the menu on the left.

The customizer will open in a new window.

To add custom CSS to your theme, click on the “Customize” button in the header of the customizer window and select “CSS” from the menu on the left. The “CSS” tab will open.

To add custom CSS to a specific element in your theme, click on the “Select an Element” button in the header of the customizer window and select the element you want to customize from the list on the right. The “CSS” tab will open for that element.

To add custom CSS to all elements in your theme, click on the “Add Custom CSS” button in the header of the customizer window and enter your custom CSS in the text field. The “CSS” tab will open for all elements in your theme.

Once you have added your custom CSS, you can preview it in the “Preview” tab of the customizer window. You can also save your custom CSS file to use it later.

To apply your custom CSS to your theme, click on the “Apply” button in the header of the customizer window and your custom CSS will be applied to the theme.

If you need help adding custom CSS to your WordPress theme, you can ask questions on the WordPress forum or on a specific topic on the WordPress support site.