Why Can’t I Change URL Address in WordPress?

When you create a new WordPress blog, you are given the option to set a custom domain name and URL address. If you choose not to set a custom domain name or URL address, WordPress will automatically assign your blog a subdomain name based on the name of your site’s host – for example, mysite.


If you decide you want to change your URL address, you can do so by following these instructions:

1. Log in to your WordPress blog using the administrative dashboard.

2. Click on the “Settings” link in the header of your blog.

3. Under “General,” click on the “URL Address” tab.

4. In the “URL Address” field, type the new URL address for your blog.

5. Click on the “Save Changes” button.

6. Congratulations! Your new URL address is now active and ready to use.

Why can’t I change my WordPress blog’s URL address

Changing your WordPress blog’s URL address is a simple process, but there may be reasons why you can’t do it. Perhaps your host doesn’t allow you to change your URL address, or you may not have the correct permissions.

If you’re unable to change your URL address, you can still use your blog using the default URL address.